
壳牌位于加拿大阿尔伯塔省奎斯特(Quest)的二氧化碳捕集和封存项目(CCS)今年秋天已开始商业化运营。作为全球最大的CCS项目之一,该项目每年可成功捕集和安全封存100余万吨二氧化碳。整个项目总投资高达13.5亿加元,壳牌已得到阿尔伯塔省政府和加拿大联邦政府给予该项目不可或缺的有力资金支持8.65亿加元(6.48亿美元), 其余部分将由壳牌出资。同时,壳牌也将会自愿与公众分享该项目运营中的实践经验以帮助CCS技术进一步的推广和应用。

At Scotford to launch Quest, one of the world’s largest projects for capturing and storing carbon dioxide, which has started up this autumn. Quest can capture more than 1m tonnes of carbon dioxide every year. Shell received C$865m ($648m) in provincial and federal government support for the C$1.35bn project, but was prepared to put up the rest of the money itself ? and share freely what it learns from the project ? to help the technology become established.